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As a young boy I developed a passion for shooting a traditional bow by following my Father around, we have spend endless hours together over the past 20 years hunting and Dine tuning our skill. The good Lord also blessed me with a creative mind and inventive spirt. Silent Flight Archery was born from my love of archery and my desire to bring new innovative high quality products to other Archers of all ages and walks of life who enjoy the sport as much as I do. I have purchased and used a variety of bow string silencers, I’ve never been completely satisDied with what is available so I invented a bow string silencer jig, what we call the Owl Bone that can be used by any Archer to create his or her own bow string silencer in less than a minute. The first of many new products to be brought to market by Silent Flight Archery. I am also a proud American, and I am committed to offer products that are made, designed and assembled 100% in the good ole United States of America.